Student review [11279] for Rotterdam School of Management

Student review [#11279] for International Business Administration
at Rotterdam School of Management - RSM

Rotterdam, The Netherlands
International Business ...
07 Jul, 2019
Great City, Great University

The first advantage of studying at RSM is that there is a very large number of internationals, in my program approximately 70% of the student body comes from abroad. Additionally, I feel like the university really allows you to choose the method of studying that you want to pursue. For example, if you like to go to lectures, then you have them almost everyday. However, if you’re more into studying directly from the book, then no need to go to lectures.

Rotterdam itself is such an underrated city. Everyone is biking, there’s a great nightlife and the average age of the city (at least near Kralingen) is super young. However, beware, it’s super hard to find accommodation.

However, I feel that the program i’m studying (International Business Administration) has too many theoretical courses that I cannot really apply in real life. But I have good news, they are tweaking the program to allow for more real-life application.

Overall I would really recommend this university.

Programme: International Business Administration
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2020
Campus: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Career Prospects
Student Life
January 8, 2020

How did you feel about the workload throughout the IBA programme? I\’m currently doing the IB and what people tell me about the workload is scaring me slightly. Did you still feel like you had a lot of time to yourself for going out, sports and other activities

Reply to @Manuel

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