Student review [30838] for HKU University of the Arts Utrecht

Student review [#30838] for Music
at HKU University of the Arts Utrecht

Utrecht, The Netherlands
21 Jul, 2022
School does not help or support students

The only reason I studied at the HKU conservatory was my main subject teacher and a few other teachers whom I found supportive and from whom I learned a lot.

However, my overall experience was not pleasant. I think the way the school works is not effective or on the student’s side at all. There are many staff members but for some reason, everything still seems to turn out disorganized. Also, the interaction is usually very unfriendly and there’s zero empathy.
For example, it is a slow process to get your credits after completing a course and in case you need a document from school for some other purpose, like for a student loan application, they might simply refuse to write you one. The student service desk replies to emails with delay (up to two weeks easily) and phone calls with them are unpleasant if you manage to get through.

For an orchestra-oriented string player, the conservatory is not a good choice because they only have a string orchestra and therefore no opportunities for learning symphonic repertoire.

The teaching is very heavily oriented towards music pedagogy instead of artistic development as an instrumentalist. In practice, this means that during the bachelor’s program you have to teach students in years 2 and 3 and also follow a didactics course. In year 4 you are expected to write an educational dissertation.

The curriculum does not focus on developing and deepening your main subject skills enough but instead forces you to follow mandatory side subjects such as choir and piano which consists of having weekly lessons for two years. If you are a violinist, in year 3 you have to attend viola lessons too. I don’t see “trying a bit of everything” as a plus. I believe I would have benefited more if I had had more focus on the actual main subject. Such as longer main subject lessons, sonata workshop with an accompanist, music history for your specific instrument/instrument group, performance coaching, mental training, different chamber music projects, audition training and opportunities for playing in a symphony orchestra. It would be also great if the school would be able to offer orchestral internships or at least gigs so that instrumentalists would also gain professional experience in that field and not just from teaching.

Another huge problem with the school is that even though all mandatory courses are offered in English, the mandatory teaching internship (Bachelor of Music year 2) is with Dutch-speaking children. I don’t see you a student benefits from this kind of teaching experience when they don’t even share the same language with their pupils.

Practice facilities are very limited and the system does not work well.

After graduation, the future does not look very bright for you if you don’t speak Dutch. It is hard to find jobs in the music field in the Netherlands if you are from abroad.

I would not recommend.

Programme: Music
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Career Prospects
Student Life
January 13, 2023

Can I ask what major did you study?

Reply to @Levi

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