Student review [20309] for Medical University of Warsaw

Student review [#20309] for Medicine
at Medical University of Warsaw - WUM

Warsaw, Poland
09 Dec, 2021
6MD/ED Graduate

Basing my review on the fact that I am an international graduate who has worked abroad post-graduation and taught students from other universities, I am listing the following personal opinions/observations:
-Well organized schedules. You get to be in one group for the full 4 or 6 years and have a fixed table for your group.
-Diverse English Division community, some are competitive and some are chill and friendly people.
-Dedicated staff and intelligent physicians.
-Clinical training is great in terms of quality and portion. From 3rd year/6, most of the seminars will be held at the hospitals followed by hours of practice.
-Orientation and guidance from senior students for the first few years.
-Various events for English speaking students. Educational, social and fun events.
-Very nice library, so practical!
-You get to enjoy the beautiful city of Warsaw!

-As an international, it is inconvenient to study guidelines than practice others. so yeh.. you will be asked often to check your own country’s info, data and guidelines. I guess this is a general issue for studying abroad.
-Few of the seminars and lectures were outdated and somehow subjective. That doesn’t work with medicine.
-In terms of discrimination, it’s really really rare to meet any racist educators, but there is a program or two that had a few bad apples.
-Limited number of clubs for English speaking students. But am sure you can start and organize your own.
– Not all physicians are good teachers. That’s just a fact everywhere! Teaching is a talent. You will meet many “readers of the slides” type of teachers.
-No shifts, no on-calls for students. You will have to ask for it. (This is how I saw another senior student in my hospital trained. They are treated like interns)
-There is no attention paid to your career goals, no training for your future Board Exams of any kind, no 1:1 mentorships. You are on your own. I think in my last year, the USMLE Prep Course was added as an elective!! (This is another observation that I have noticed done in other universities)

I did enjoy my time at WUM! The university is great has some amazing and talented teachers with a pretty cool community. I think the English division is very vibrant and constantly being improved.
Best of luck!

Programme: Medicine
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2020
Campus: Warsaw, Poland
Career Prospects
Student Life
May 16, 2022

Do they offer residency (House Job) after six years? If yes how long is the residency?
What are the chances of getting a job UK or US after completing degree in Warsaw?

April 5, 2023

How can you prepare for USMLE on your own if the university doesn\’t prepare you?Also do you think the Polish students gain more knowledge than the English division students?

Reply to @Hadiza

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