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Iqra University

speciality: Marketing


What Is a Marketing Degree?

A business cannot survive if its products are not marketed in the proper way. Luckily for all the businesses out there, the number of candidates wanting to pursue a marketing career is growing tremendously. 

The aim of this degree is to help students anticipate, manage, and satisfy customers’ needs and wants. By doing so, they will be able to effectively communicate the benefits of any business product to the targeted market. 

Due to the fact that marketing is a complex industry, which tackles many areas ranging from market research to advertising and promotion, this degree focuses on all parts of the process before concentrating on a particular area of study.


Benefits of a Marketing Degree

Good news for marketing graduates! If you did not know yet, marketing is an essential aspect of all types of businesses, from all sectors of activity. Thus, all of them rely on marketers to promote and sell their products. A high market demand comes with many job opportunities available. 

According to Labor Department Findings, graduates with a marketing degree can earn 98% more per hour than the ones working in the industry without having a specialised degree.

Furthermore, students are equipped with transferable skills, such as excellent communication abilities, strategic thinking, planning, data analysis and so on, that can be used in other industries too.

Marketing Degree Structure

Marketing degrees can be studied either as Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc). The major difference lies in the presence of more scientific and technological aspects, which are commonly seen in a BSc rather than a BA. 

Like most degrees, marketing courses last between three and four years, depending on the university. However, there are institutions which give students the possibility to do a two-year associate’s degree – also called a ‘foundation’ degree. 

Even if graduating from both degrees qualifies candidates to work in this industry, a Bachelor degree has higher chances to lead you to well-paid jobs. 

2 Student Reviews

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    Umar Shehzad
    A Transformative Journey at Iqra University

    I am thrilled to share my exceptional experience at Iqra University Karachi, where I pursued my bachelor’s degree in Media Sciences. My time at this institution has been truly transformative, shaping not just my academic knowledge but my overall outlook.

    Academic Excellence: Iqra University is a beacon of academic excellence. The Media Sciences program goes beyond traditional learning, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Professors are not just educators but mentors deeply invested in their students’ success.

    Cutting-Edge Facilities: The campus is equipped with cutting-edge facilities, including iMac Labs, Multimedia Studios, and Newsrooms. These resources provide students like me with the tools needed for in-depth exploration and hands-on experience in the field of media.

    Supportive Community: What sets Iqra University apart is its commitment to building a supportive community. The inclusive atmosphere encourages collaboration and diversity, creating an environment where students from various backgrounds thrive. The sense of camaraderie among faculty, staff, and students makes the university feel like a second home.

    Innovative Programs: Iqra University stands out for its commitment to innovation. The Media Sciences program is dynamic, constantly evolving to align with industry trends. This ensures that students are well-prepared for the ever-changing landscape of media and communication.

    Career Services: The university’s commitment to student success is evident in its robust career services. Beyond typical support, Iqra University takes it a step further by organizing yearly job fairs. These events attract a myriad of organizations and companies from various sectors, providing students with immediate job opportunities. It’s a unique and invaluable platform that bridges the gap between academia and the professional world.

    In conclusion, my journey at Iqra University has been enlightening and empowering. I am confident that the skills and knowledge gained here will serve as a solid foundation for my future endeavors in the dynamic field of Media Sciences. I wholeheartedly recommend Iqra University to any student seeking not only quality education but an enriching experience that goes beyond the classroom.

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    Programme: Advertising
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2019
    Delivery Type: On Campus
    Campus: Karachi
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    Contrary to common belief, the infrastructure and environment of your university does have an impact on your overall experience.
    In this time and age the extra and recreational activities your university offer makes a big difference.
    Hence, I believe my university can improve in this department.

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    Programme: Advertising and Marketing
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2020
    Campus: Karachi
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