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University of Trento - UniTN

speciality: Law


2 Student Reviews

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  • International and ...
    European Law
    Lack of guidelines

    Bad learning experience til now. I am attending the LLB in European, Comparative and International Law and I am not getting any support from the teaching staff. There are some professors who have built their reputation on the high number of students failing their course and they make the exam deliberately difficult to ensure that most of students fail their exam. When you ask them how to structure the exam they refuse to give you this information to ensure the highest number possible of failure. See, for example, Roman law. There is no way to complain and students suffer the worst abuse from their teachers.

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    Programme: International and European Law
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2025
    Delivery Type: Blended
    Campus: Trento
    Career Prospects
    Student Life
  • International and ...
    European Law
    An amazing academic experience

    The program of European and International law emphasizes the European and International jurisprudence rather than one single jurisdiction. The courses are designed to give students a general but comprehensive view of major law branches from an European and international perspective which offers to the students a general but a solid knowledge about the European and International law. Professors are well-trained and very professional in both their teaching methods and the way they interact with students. In terms of infrastructure, the University is in a good state, but some of the classes at the University are quite small in size and this might be one of the weakest points. Nevertheless the Library of the University is one of the main advantages that a student has due to the large collection of the materials, books that can help the student throughout his studies. An additional feature of the Library of the University is the working staff that is always eager to assist you anytime and they are also efficient in communicating in English so the international students will not feel excluded throughout their study time in these environments. From the perspective of an international student, the university tries to include both Italian and international students in their activities and it is noticeable that the university has an international friendly approach. Despite the efficiency and organizational skills of the university’s staff, their services can sometimes fall short under many conditions. There are many advantages as well as disadvantages associated with student life in Trento from a student’s perspective. The university is located in one of the most secured and developed cities in Italy, with natural resources and activities and an asset of this city are its natural resources and out-door activities that can entertain you throughout your studies. The University of Trento provides many students, particularly those from abroad, with the chance to live in one of the university’s residence halls. While there, they can interact with numerous Italian and other international students, providing a good opportunity to socialize and learn about other cultures. On the other hand, life in Trento is calm and there aren’t many options to attend events like concerts or musical performances. Many students are disappointed by this reality, but during the past few weeks, several activities have occurred, indicating Trento is making an effort to be more active with regard to this type of activity. It is a fantastic chance to pursue a degree in this institution, taking into account all the benefits and drawbacks that a student at the University of Trento may experience, but picking a university also relies on the student’s expectations and lifestyle. For many people Trento is a city that provides the security and tranquility necessary for a pleasurable stay, and outdoor activities are also a great choice for those who enjoy sports and other physical activity. However life in this city can also be referred to as a monotonous one, where entertaining activities are very limited in number and should not be compared with what other cities in Italy offer. Due to the University of Trento’s outstanding rankings both nationally and internationally, pursuing a degree there is a wise investment in your professional future. The partnerships that this University has are numerous which can guide you on the following steps of your education. Being appraised as one of the best universities in Italy indicates that the courses are well-structured and often practical so that graduates are ready for the workforce and have the necessary skills.

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    Programme: International and European Law
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2022
    Delivery Type: On Campus
    Campus: Trento
    Career Prospects
    Student Life

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