Student review [4633] for The Florence Institute of Design International

Student review [#4633] for Interior Design
at The Florence Institute of Design International - F.I.D.I.

Florence, Italy
Interior Design
11 Dec, 2017
A wonderful opportunity to learn design and live Italy.

Learning design in the city of Florence is almost automatic, because the eyes watch captivating art, history and good taste in every corner, everyday. Studying a Master in Interior Design at F.I.D.I. was an experience that deeply enriched my life. In terms of space, the Institute is an excellent example of European Interior Design: well-conserved facade and frescoes of the 1700’s on the ceilings and walls mix with new materials and pieces of contemporary furniture, creating a balanced, unique and intimate atmosphere. As I came from a very large university with many campuses in my country, F.I.D.I.’s attention to detail, neatness and personalization felt exquisite. Lessons were given in small groups, teachers are well prepared and actually enjoy what they are doing. From them I learned to observe closely, in order to start designing with quality, always respecting and appreciating the value of places and objects.
Possibly the two things I would change are: 1) that teachers plan new projects for their new students to work. Florence has too many highlights and, as I keep in touch with the Institute at social media, I see that they are still making one of the projects that was asigned to my generation 7 years ago, and 2) that it lasted longer. Masters are usually longer to give students a steady formation.

Programme: Interior Design
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2018
Campus: Florence, Italy
March 12, 2023

Hi Clara, I have been accepted to FIDI for a dual master’s in interior and furniture design and wanted to know more about the university. Were the classes taken in Italian or English or a mix of both? Is it understandable? And do they provide accommodation or do we have to find it ourselves? Also is it hard to find a job after a master’s in Italy or any European country? Is it possible to get a pr soon? Please do kindly reply to me. Thank you.

Reply to @Lakshmi

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