Student review [12824] for Óbuda University

Student review [#12824] for Electrical Engineering
at Óbuda University - OE

Budapest, Hungary
Electrical Engineering
19 Nov, 2019
ÓE Kavo arm = practical training

The University of Óbuda provides basically quite practical training on many subjects (of course, this does not mean that there is no need to study theoretical parts), but fortunately several teachers share the view that not the book/note should be cut from a to z, but in which book/note we provide the answer to our question. From an engineering point of view, I think this is especially important, much more of a generalist approach to many teachers than the rigor of the curriculum (of course, there are exceptions, of course, that somehow have to be overcome). It is also an advantage in the labor market, and you may feel a bit more well-off when you first encounter real problems after seemingly a little crafted, unnecessary laboratory practice. You will probably find that even if the particular lab task did not resemble real problems, it helped a lot in developing the unconscious approach.
In terms of accessibility and dormitories, both sites (Józsefváros and Óbuda) are ideally located. However, infrastructure improvements are still needed, as in some cases, laboratory equipment is slightly outdated (say, they also improve the level of problem-solving to some degree), but there are many unique or rare measuring equipment in the country, such as found elsewhere in specialized research laboratories. This is why industry often orders measurements from the university, in which students can participate at some level, thus increasing their knowledge of current trends, projects, and needs of the industry.
If you are good at using the strap and can be quite persistent, it may not be too much of a strain if you need to, and there is a good chance of getting quite a good amount of scholarships. There are also some professional development associations and dormitories at the university where the interested parties can acquire even more specific practical knowledge (eg circuit design, device construction).
The fact that after a long hesitation I finally chose OE, I did not regret it at all. I had many great teachers and fellow students during my years here, some of whom I have been in contact with ever since. Many of my classmates work in big-name companies in development engineers and similar positions, and I hear feedback from them many times that they have benefited greatly from the knowledge they have acquired at the university, not just because of the curriculum.

Programme: Electrical Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2019
Campus: Budapest, Hungary
Career Prospects
Student Life
Show original in Hungarian
March 28, 2023

Hi, thank you so much for ur review, it helps a lot of students who are considering this uni. my qns : is it hard to get internships, are there a lot available, especially for international students? also are we allowed to participate in more than 6 week program of internships? thanks

Reply to @Fransiskus

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