Student review [2698] for Université Paris-Sud

Student review [#2698]
at Université Paris-Sud

Paris, France
22 Aug, 2017
To be a student at Paris Sud

I have studied in this university for one year now.
I really love this place, first of all, I think that the campus is amazing, it is really huge and green with a great spot for work or chill with some friends.
I was studying physics and mathematics, most of my courses were amazing, and my schedule was really well-done. Moreover, most of the teachers are doctors, they really know their topic and they are passioned about it, which inspires you. But some of the teachers actually don’t pay any attention to students and don’t really care about them, that is one of the bad points for me.
Also, there are not so many associations, and it is not so easy to get in touch with them. I know a lot of people who are in this university for more than a year and don’t have any friends in it. To me, that is really unfortunate, indeed I think that the uni could get more involved in student life.
To conclude I would say that Paris Sud is a great university which offers a high academic study, but if you are not a very social person you will feel very lonely out there.

Campus: Paris, France
October 23, 2019

Hello, is it easy to enter in paris sud, and how will this university accept me?

October 23, 2019

Can you tell me about the admission in paris sud and how they will accept me?

Reply to @Mohamad

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