Student review [51122] for Zhejiang University of Science and Technology

Student review [#51122] for BA International Studies
at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology - ZUST

Hangzhou, China
BA International ...
21 Apr, 2023
The school and my experience,

Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, China.
I have been studying at the university for 4 years majoring in International Trade and Economics. my experience at this university was very different since I came from Africa Ethiopia and went to Asia China to study for my bachelor which is a completely different language, culture, values, food, and environment, weather conditions… relative to the place I came but it was a wonderful experience for me.

In class, I studied with a Chinese student who wants to take the whole course in English. There are Chinese class courses we have a separate class that is only given to international students unless we study together. And Chinese students are very hard-working and clever and very disciplined.
The school law is strict but very good It makes me improve myself. during my study, I got the chance to learn more about Chinese culture which is a very attractive and wonderful culture and I also learned to speak, write, and listen to the Mandarin is very difficult for me to Learn before but through time I used to it and even now I am using the language at my workplace to communicate with the Chinese people and it makes my job easier for them and me.

Programme: BA International Studies
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Hangzhou, China
Career Prospects
Student Life
December 26, 2023

Hello Abeba, how are you doing? hope is everything going well.I wanted to ask about professors in this university you attended.How well they can explain the lectures to students and what is their behavior towards students if there is anything needed to clear up and need more explanation. Do they reexplain right away or show some dissatisfaction and say I have explained earlier,you do it yourself now at home”?
Thank you for your response in advance

Reply to @Kamola

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