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University of Toronto - UofT

speciality: Environmental Sciences


What is an Environmental Sciences Degree?

Environmental Sciences Degrees are usually undertaken by students who like the natural, physical, and biological sciences.

By studying this specialisation, young people get new knowledge about the processes and phenomenons that affect the environment and find solutions to problems that concern nature.

Students’ interest has increased a lot in recent years due to climate change, pollution and other adverse effects on the environment. Environmental Sciences graduates bring multiple benefits to the world they live in, analysing systems and finding effective solutions to develop sustainability and green processes.

Benefits of an Environmental Sciences Degree

The main advantage of the Environmental Sciences Degree is that students are becoming more aware of how we need to protect the environment, give up chemicals and harmful products that pollute the planet in favour of the ones that are biodegradable or environmentally friendly. By becoming aware of the dangers we are facing, students find innovative ideas for sustainability and sustainable development.

This specialisation encourages young people to develop skills such as critical and creative thinking, teamwork, adaptation. Complex issues are debated through this degree, so students need to be innovative and think outside of the box to use resources wisely, protect and, above all, preserve natural wealth.

Besides the advantages listed, the rate of employment is high, because the jobs are being more and more diversified. It has been noted that there is a greater need for environmental consultation, biologists exploring natural environments, and sustainability consultants. This degree can also be useful for other jobs, such as Landscape Architect.

Environmental Sciences Degree Structure

The structure of the degree includes several subjects, depending on the university a student chooses. Some universities prefer to focus on the theoretical policies and notions discussed in the courses, while others choose to rely on systematic research and practical experience gained in the environment. In principle, these studies require a background in the following sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Ecology, Physics.

Bachelor Degrees in Environmental Sciences last between 2 and 3 years. Courses are based on the knowledge of the Sciences of Nature and Social Sciences. Most Bachelor programmes are based on college courses, but also on practical projects. A Master’s programme lasts for about 2-3 years and is recommended for those who want to continue with in-depth research into the elements of the environment. Doctoral courses are designed in such a way that students will be guided to conduct independent research, having a much different structure than during their Bachelor. This programme lasts between 3 and 6 years.

It is important to know that students can choose to pursue this degree online. In this way, students can take advantage of the flexibility and save money, as costs are much lower compared to those spent at universities. For example, The Open University offers online courses, the level of information being authentic and useful for the students.

2 Student Reviews

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  • Molecular Biology ...
    and Biotechnology
    Research, courses, professors, difficulty.

    The University of Toronto has maintained its reputation as one of the best academic institutions in Canada for a very long time. I chose to pursue my honours bachelor’s degree from the University of Toronto Mississauga, specializing in Molecular Biology. In my time at UofT, I can confidently say that UofT remains one of the best universities in terms of offering research opportunities. Most of my class fellows had some type of research opportunity they worked on throughout their undergraduate career. The curriculum was very well structured, and the majority of my professors offered help and support during times of stress and difficulty throughout my undergraduate education. UofT Mississauga can improve by implementing more courses for people looking to study history, computer science for beginners, and biomedical communications. I can recall struggling a lot regarding finding elective courses of interest to enroll in because they didn’t exist or there was no space available, given the large student body. Overall, the education gained at the University of Toronto is highly admirable, as it requires much motivation and dedication. Still, you will walk out with a solid grasp of your field of study.

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    Programme: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2024
    Delivery Type: On Campus
    Campus: Mississauga
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  • Environmental Sciences ...
    and Management
    Real Worl Applications

    I believe that the University of Toronto is a an excellent choice when it comes to deciding universities in North America especially, being one of the more globally prestigious universities there’s no denying in the state of the arts facilities and exposure. After attending the university, I have realized that the lecture content is extremely relevant and constant international and local experiences are used to enhance learning. However, if I was to be critical about UofT I would definitely say giving support to future students during the summer after they have been enrolled at the university to select courses, residence and other study materials would be beneficial. I remember during my time, I felt confused and frustrated to pick my fall semester courses because I was used to a different system.

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    Programme: Environmental Sciences and Management
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2026
    Delivery Type: On Campus
    Campus: Scarborough
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