Student review [30268] for New Bulgarian University

Student review [#30268] for Psychology
at New Bulgarian University - NBU

Sofia, Bulgaria
15 Jul, 2022

I am an international student in the Psychology Bachelor’s program offered in English at NBU.

So far, so good. Most of the professors are really helpful and understanding, and our collaboration is excellent. I enjoy the lectures, and I find the overall program rather pleasant, interesting, and mostly up to my expectations.

On the aspect of the complaint, first and foremost, a select few one or two professors need to work on their deadlines management and be better at answering emails and rating their students on time (just so we have time to make any necessary arrangements) and do so while still being professional and kind.
Moreover, it would be really helpful if more people in administrative positions spoke English because for us non-Bulgarian speakers it can be a nightmare trying to communicate and have our questions answered when people behind these important desks lack the knowledge of the language. That being said, the same with emails, the moodle page, e-student, the library, and all sources of information students have access to, need to be offered in English as well to prevent miscommunication and misunderstandings. It’s a basic need.

That’s all, NBU is great and the Psychology in English program is rich, but sometimes it’s hard to appreciate when there are fundamental deficiencies such as (some) slacking professors and a great language barrier.
If you offer an opportunity for English speakers to study at your university, you need to make sure their needs are taken care of!

Programme: Psychology
Degree: Bachelor's
Campus: Sofia, Bulgaria
Career Prospects
Student Life
July 31, 2022

Hi, my daughter is thinking about joining NBU next year for the Bachelor in Psychology. Would it be possible to ask you some questions? Thank you in advance

Reply to @Georgios

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